The film had great response in Kolkata and Chennai. The film had its Chennai Premiere in 15th Chennai International Film Festival by December 2017. The film was also selected in Dialogues Kolkata LGBT fest and had its Indian Premiere there. It was selected to be shown at the New York LGBT Film Festival in October 2017. The film was completed by early 2017 and saw its world premiere at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. The movie was shot at Malabar Cove (near the famous Drive-in Beach of Muzhappilangad) in Kannur, Kerala, South India. By 2016 the director Lokesh Kumar and Anil Saxena (producer) decided to produce it in Tamil. The makers made an unsuccessful attempt at crowd-funding and put the film on hold for almost two years. The project began as a Hindi-language feature film in 2013. Lakshmi can't bear the loss of her son and sets out to find him.
Varun finds love with Karthik, but he will never be as happy as he once was. That security is shattered when Lakshmi discovers Varun is gay and rejects him. Varun always knew he was different from other boys, but felt secure in his mother's love. She loves her son Varun, a cheerful and a carefree young man who is devoted to her. Her life is uncomplicated and safe and she is blissfully unaware of the storm brewing that will threaten everything she believes in. Lakshmi is a mother and a no-nonsense school principal.